B was referred to Portage in July very kindly by A's school Inclusion Manager. Reason for referral was global developmental delay. Portage is a home visiting teaching service for children from 0-5 years of age who are delayed in their development. They report B as having hyper-flexible ankle joints andunsteady when standing and walking. He often falls and wears a protective helmet. General health is good with no concerns regarding hearing or vision.
B is described as being a delightful happy and busy little boy. He understands the routine of the Portage visit. Showing an interest in toys. Not yet toilet trained. Language for communication is the area B is most delayed in. He makes his needs known by a mixture of vocalising, passing objects, eye contact etc. B sometimes looks up when his name is called. He can make a choice between two objects. He is unable select a name object. He likes looking at books and mark making.
B understands that things exist even when they are out of sight. He looks for hidden objects. He can post shapes in a shapesorter. He can complete inset puzzles. He can build a tower. B loves to explore. Push and pull things, press buttons and switches.
B can crawl fast. He has poor coordination and falls often. He can stand at a table. But in unable to move from sitting to standing or climb. He cannot go up and down stairs. I want B to stay at pre-school then attend his sibling's school.
B is now almost age appropriate in his personal social and emotional development and understanding of the world but delayed by 6-9 months in his physical development and 1-1 1/4 years in his communication and language. B is making good progress.